ABD'li 148 akademisyen ABD'nin İnsan Hakları'ndan Sorumlu Dışişleri Bakanı Yardımcısı Tom Malinowski’ye, Barış İçin Akademisyenler için mektup yazarak akademideki baskının kaldırılarak tutuklanan akademisyenlerin serbest bırakılması için ABD hükümetinden girişimde bulunmasını istedi. 

Bianet2in haberine göre mektupta, imzası bulunan ABD’li akademisyenlerin, Türkiye’deki akademisyenlerin hükümet tarafından uğradıkları hak ihlallerine karşı büyük bir şok yaşadıkları ve alarma geçtikleri belirtildi.

 Akademisyenlerin sadece düşünce özgürlüğü için değil, uluslararası krizlerde de söz söylemesi gerektiği belirtilen mektupta şöyle dendi:

“Bazılarımız Vietnam ve Irak Savaşlarına karşı kendi üniversitelerimizde protesto eylemleri düzenlemiş ve açık bir tartışmanın demokratik toplumların oluşmasına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu göstermiştik. Ama bu temel hakların bugün Türkiye’de çiğneniyor. “

Türkiye’nin ABD ve AB’nin bir müteffiki olduğu, Suriye’deki krizde önemli bir aktör olduğu hatırlatılan mektupta tüm bunların ABD’nin Türkiye’yi insan hakları ihlallerine karşı güçlü bir şekilde uyarmaktan alı koymaması gerektiği ifade edildi.

Mektupta, ABD hükümetinden Türkiye’yi tutuklu bulunan akademisyenlerin serbest bırakması ve akademik özgürlüğün sağlanması için hareket etmeye çağırması talep edildi.

İmzacılar şöyle:

Jean E. Howard George Delacorte Professor in the Humanities / Columbia University

Ammiel Alcalay Professor / Queens College / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Öykü Tekten PhD Candidate / English Department, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Ellen Ross Professor Emerita of History and Women’s Studies / Ramapo College of NJ

Temma Kaplan Distinguished Professor of History / Rutgers University

Lorie Novak Professor / New York University

Arnold Aronson Professor / Columbia University

Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg Brown University

Meredith Tax Writer

Evelyn Lincoln, Professor / Brown University

Poulomi Saha Assistant Professor, University of California-Berkeley

Lynne Joyrich Professor, Brown University

Leticia Robles-Moreno PhD Candidate / Performance Studies, NYU

Anthony Alessandrini Professor of English / Kingsborough Community College, and Middle Eastern Studies, CUNY Graduate Center

Erik Ehn Professor / Brown University

Bonnie Honig Nancy Duke Lewis Professor / Political Science and Modern Culture and Media

Andreas Huyssen Villard Professor of German and Comparative Literature / Columbia University

Adi Ophir Professor / Brown University

Paula Chakravartty Associate Professor / MCC and the Gallatin School, NYU

Ryan Tracy PhD Candidate / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Judith Butler Maxine Elliot Professor / University of California, Berkeley

Lina M Fruzzetti Professor / Brown University

Linda Gordon University Professor of Humanities and Florence Kelley Professor of History / NYU

Conor Tomás Reed PhD Candidate / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Nicole Gervasio Ph.D. Candidate / English Department, Columbia University

Chelsea Haines PhD Candidate / Art History / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Micheal Angelo Rumore PhD Candidate / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Barbara Spackman Professor / University of California, Berkeley

Susan Buck-Morss Distinguished Professor / The Graduate Center, CUNY

David Harvey Distinguished Professor / The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Amanda Anderson Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Humanities / Brown University

Dean Schafer Master’s Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Tamar Katz Associate Professor of English / Brown University

Drew Walker Brown University

Marc Redfield Professor of Comparative Literature and English / Brown University

Tracy Riley Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies / New Jersey City University

Zachary Lockman Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and of History / New York University

Patricia Catrillo Administrative Assistant / New Jersey City University

Laura Rita Feola Adjunct Instructor / Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY

Murat Cem Mengüç Assistant Professor of History / Seton Hall University

Maya Mikdashi Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies / Rutgers University

Benoit Challand Associate Professor / Sociology, New School for Social Research, New York

William Keach Professor of English / Brown University

Elizabeth Sanders Professor / Cornell University

Bruce Robbins Columbia University

Dominic Wetzel Assistant Professor of Sociology / Kingsborough, CUNY

Alex S. Vitale Associate Professor, Department of Sociology / Brooklyn College, CUNY

Frances Fox Piven Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Political Science / Graduate Center, CUNY

Kyle Wanberg Clinical Assistant Professor / New York University

Evan Applegate Master’s Student / University of Wisconsin–Madison

Joyce Gelb Professor Emerita / City College and Graduate Center , CUNY

Scott Dexter Professor of Computer and Information Science / Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center of The City of New York

John McMahon, Doctoral Candidate, Political Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Makeba Lavan PhD Candidate / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Mohammed Rafi Arefin PhD Candidate / Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kristin Moriah PhD Candidate / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Karl Steel Associate Professor/ Brooklyn College, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Emrah Yildiz, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

Nicholas Glastonbury PhD Student / Anthropology, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Amy Hughes Associate Professor / Brooklyn College

Dominic Pettman Associate Dean and Professor of Culture and Media Chair / Liberal Studies, The New School

Anwar Shaikh Professor and Chair / Department of Economics, New School for Social Research, The New School

Sean M. Kennedy PhD student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Shoumik Bhattacharya English PhD Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Mary Catherine Kinniburgh PhD Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Nick Micinski PhD student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Daniel Golebiewski PhD student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Theodor Maghrak PhD student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Drake Logan PhD Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Danya Al-Saleh PhD Student / Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Maryam Ivette Parhizkar Doctoral Student / Yale University

Eileen A. Joy Founding Director / punctum books; Director, BABEL Working Group

Matthew Evangelista President White Professor of History and Political Science / Cornell University

Ozan Baytas PhD Student / Brown University

Heather Rosenfeld, PhD Student / University of Wisconsin-Madison

Keith Woodward, Associate Professor / University of Wisconsin–Madison

Charles Shepherdson Professor of English / State University of New York at Albany

Chris Crews PhD student / The New School for Social Research

Ethel Brooks Associate Professor / Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies and Sociology, Rutgers University

Soheil Asefi Graduate student / Politics, The New School for Social Research (NSSR)

Helene Silverberg Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science / University of California, Berkeley

Uday S. Mehta Distinguished Professor of Political Science / Graduate Center, CUNY

Joan Copjec Professor / Modern Culture and Media, Brown University

Kevin Aportela-Flores, MA Student, The New School for Social Research

Jason Frank Professor of Government / Cornell University

Elizabeth Bidwell Goetz Doctoral Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY; Instructor, Hunter College

Velina Manolova Doctoral Candidate / The Graduate Center, CUNY; Adjunct Instructor, Baruch College

Rahel Knöpfel Postdoc / Leibniz Institute for Atmospheric Science, Kühlungsborn, Germany

Luke A. Hingtgen Graduate Student / DePaul University

Tristan Mantel-Hoffmann Doctoral Candidate / Pol Sci, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Tyler Coburn Part-Time Faculty / The New School

Frances Bernstein Associate Professor / Drew University

Ilan Benattar Graduate Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Ilker Aslantepe PhD Student / The New School for Social Research

Clio Unger PhD Student / The Graduate Center, CUNY

Dorrie Mazzone Political Science Faculty / Diablo Valley College

Irving Leonard Markovitz Professor of Political Science / Queens College and Graduate Center of CUNY

Eli Nadeau Politics Graduate Student / The New School for Social Research

Elizabeth Hennessy Assistant Professor / History and Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tonya M. Foster Assistant Professor / California College of the Arts; Doctoral Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Robert Bell Doctoral Candidate / NYU

Tanya Agathocleous Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Kristin Booth Glen University Professor and Dean Emerita / CUNY School of Law

Naomi Schiller Assistant Professor / Brooklyn College, CUNY

Oz Frankel Associate Professor of History / New School for Social Research

Jonathan H Shannon Professor / Department of Anthropology, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Anais Wong PhD Student / Political Science, Graduate Center, CUNY

Eric Nost PhD student / University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ahmed Kanna Associate Professor / School of International Studies, Univ. of the Pacific

Robert Sember Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts / Eugene Lang College, The New School

Iliana Cepero Adjunct Professor / Eugene Lang College, The New School

Karine Taché Assistant Professor / Department of Anthropology, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY.

Obioma Ebisike The New School / New York

Katherine Verdery Distinguished Professor of Anthropology / City University of New York Graduate Center.

Mandana Limbert Associate Professor / Department of Anthropology, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Antonia McMaster PhD Student / Clinical Psychology, City College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Sujatha Fernandes Professor / Department of Sociology, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Elizabeth Weed Brown University

James Loop Adjunct Instructor / Brooklyn College, CUNY

Cecilia Rubino, Assistant Professor of Theater / Lang College, The New School

Suad Joseph Distinguished Professor / University of California, Davis

Karl Britto Associate Professor / University of California, Berkeley

Omnia El Shakry Associate Professor of History / University of California, Davis

Miriam Gabriel MA (Goddard) / MA Student in Middle Eastern Studies at CUNY Graduate Center / Arabic Instructor at Hunter College

Zachary V. Sunderman Ph.D. student / Sociology, The New School for Social Research

Christopher Stone Associate Professor/Hunter College of the City University of New York

Caroline McKusick PhD student / Anthropology, University of California Davis

Philippa Strum Professor Emerita of Political Science / CUNY.

Carl Sack PhD student / Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Linda Williams Professor Emerita/Film and Media/Rhetoric, U.C. Berkeley

Todd Sekuler Doctoral Candidate / Institüt für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Fatin Abbas Visiting Assistant Professor / Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY

Paul L. Wachtel, Distinguished Professor, City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center

Aaron Botwick Doctoral Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Sheehan Moore PhD student / Anthropology, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Arman Azimi Doctoral Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY (NV)